Lately I am redecorating my whole house....!


will be my TOILET!!!!

I forget to take a photo before decoration photo (sorry......!)

My toilet only have "a small storage" above just to keep toilet paper....

The position is a bit "HIGH" for me to reach every time I need to refill the toilet paper (=.=)

so I wanted a lower storage PLUS a small corner to make the toilet more lively (^^, )



To make the extra storage and corner

And make it more convenient and left no hole on the wall 

We use adjustable pole rather than nails....

(All the item can get it at 100 yen shop)

Things needed:

① Curtain Lace カーテンレース (x 3)

② Metal net 鉄製ネット (x 2)

③ Adjustable pole 突っ張り棒 (x 6)

④ Wire/String ひも (Recycle back the wire that comes with the adjustable pole)

⑤ Cardboard 段ボール/カードボード (recycle back the delivery box's cardboard)

⑥ Scissor はさみ 

Total expenses (105yen x 11) 1165yen


First get 2 Adjustable pole and adjust it from wall to wall

Then place the metal net on top of it 

Then use the wire to fasten it up

The steps above will creates a base for the storage

Then place the cardboard on top of the metal net to create a stable and flat surface

The outcome shown below




After getting the base

I would need some "curtain" to hide the stuff 

So I get the lace put through the adjustable pole 

Then place right in front of the  storage and act as a "curtain"

The outcome shown below


(above) the curtain
(below) laces under the metal to cover the toilet papers


Here I wanna get myself a deco corner to put some cute stuff on it

This corner will not have to get a curtain

But I would like to have a cute table cloth (^^,) woo hoo....!!

Things needed:
① Flowery cloth ぬの (x 1)
② Lace レース (x 1)
③ Curtain Lace カーテンレース (x 1)
④ Sewing Kit 縫うキット

Total expenses (105yen x 3) 315yen

The flowery cloth as the main base 

Then the curtain lace and the lace at the edge

Then sew it all together (you can use glue if you want ^^)

The outcome will be


I love it!!!! It is so cute!!!!!

The full picture of the storage part of my toilet will be like 


The storage part total expenses is 1470yen (Approx. RM48++)

I start to love my toilet....... wee...............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I geeting myself a princess toilet!!! woo hoo!!!!

I'm Lovit it.....!

Will update more about my Deco corner and I am still waiting for my Toilet mat (~・~)


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